Creating a New Tag

1. Navigate to the Tags section. chrome_YhfBUhDUz3.png

2. Click New Tag to create new tag.chrome_mpoFjbP2v4.png

3. Enter tag information:1 (1) 1.jpg

  1. Tag Title - Enter the title of the tag
  2. URL Friendly Title - A URL-friendly version of the tag title. Only letters/numbers, hyphens, and underscores allowed. Leave blank to auto-populate.
  3. Tag Applies To - Select which content types the tag applies to.
    • Only selected content types - The tag applies only to the content types chosen in the next step (option #4).
    • Everything except selected content types - The tag applies to all content types except the ones chosen in the next step (option #4).
  4. Applicable Content Types - Select the content types based on the previous option (#3).
  5. Visibility - Choose whether the tag should be visible on the front-end or only on the back-end.
  6. State - Select whether the tag should be Published (visible at selected locations) or Unpublished (hidden).
  7. Category - Select a tag category. (See Creating A Category)
  8. Note - Add an optional note to provide additional information about the tag (visible only on the back-end).
  9. Parent Tag - Assign a parent tag, if applicable.
  10. Description - Provide a description for the tag.
  11. Image - Attach an image to the tag, if necessary. (See Uploading an Image).


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