Creating a New Page

1. Select Pages from the menu. Navigate to the New Page interface. pages_toolbar.png

You will see a form with multiple fields and options for creating or editing a page.new_page.png

2. Fill in the Page Details: new_page_options.png

2.1 Title
  • Enter the title for your new page. This title will be displayed as the page heading.
2.2 URL Segment
  • Enter a URL-friendly version of the page title. This can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens. Leave blank to auto-populate based on the title.
2.3 Parent Page
  • Select a parent page if this new page is a sub-page.
2.4 Template
  • Choose a template for the page. The default template is usually selected but can be changed based on the design requirements.

3. Access Settings:

3.1 Limit Access To
  • Set any access restrictions for the page, if applicable.

4. SEO / Social Settings:

4.1 Opengraph / Search Engine Description
  • Enter a description that will be used for social sharing and search engines.
4.2 SEO Keywords
  • Add keywords that will be used for SEO. Use commas to separate individual keywords or phrases.
4.3 Opengraph Title
  • Enter the title used when sharing the page on social media platforms.
4.4 Opengraph Image
  • Select an image for social media sharing:
    • Choose New Image: Upload a new image for sharing.
    • Crop Image: Adjust the selected image.
    • Upload from Image: Select an image from existing assets.

5. Main Content:

5.1 Main Content Selection
  • Set the main content type for the page. Select None if the page will primarily be widgets and doesn't need a main content body.

6. Widget Assignments:

Assign widgets to various positions on the page. The available positions are:

  • Top Nav
  • Header
  • Above Content
  • Sidebar
  • After Content
  • Footer

To override the position of the widgets, click Override Position for each section.

7. Save or Cancel:

Once all the details are filled out, you can either:

  • Save: Save the new page and publish it according to the settings.
  • Cancel: Discard the changes and return to the previous screen.


Fill out the form below to see how Alba and the rest of the Holt Bosse crew can help your marketing reach the next level